Prayerfully consider joining a ministry to live out your faith!
Come, sit, kneel, pray, relax, and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from being with the One who loves you the most, Jesus. Adoration is offered each Wednesday and Thursday from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Visitors are always welcome, but we need 2 people to commit to be present for each hour. Can you commit to spending one (1) hour a week with our Eucharistic Lord?
Contact: Titi Kila at cbsadoration@gmail.com
Altar servers are trained to assist the priest and deacons in the celebration of the Mass and may begin service after their First Communion. Candidates are people of good faith and have a desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior.
Contact: Michael Ognisty at mfognisty@msn.com
Brown Bag Lunch Ministry (BBL)
This ministry was established in August 2013, in response to the growing numbers of downtown homeless, poor brothers and sisters who need food, necessities (e.g., socks, toiletries) and a kind word. Active volunteers distribute lunches Tuesday through Friday mornings from 8 to 9 a.m. Support volunteers provide lunches, lunch supplies, and water.
Contact: Marilynn Fairgood at Marilynn_Fairgood@att.net
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
A distinct Montessori-based approach to Christian formation, through which children as young as 3 form deep, lifelong relationships with Christ.
Contact: David Vincent admin@youngsheep.org or www.youngsheep.org
Catechetical for Family and Adult Formation
CATECHIST PREPARATION ministry promotes and prepares catechists and parents to live out their baptismal call to give witness to their faith, and to hand on the living tradition and teachings of the Catholic Church, both in the classroom and at home. Catechists serve in a wide range of ways: Family Formation (working with parents and children), Adult Confirmation and OCIA, Teen Confirmation and OCIA Families, Youth Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation and Holy Communion, and facilitating retreats. We also prepare those not called as teachers to witness their faith and use their gifts in the support of the Faith Formation Ministries.
Contact: Sister Lisa Marie Doty, FDCC, slmdoty@cbssac.org , Deyanira Galvez, galvez.dgv@gmail.com. Manuela C. luni_6_7@hotmail.com, Suzanne Haendel, shaendel1@gmail.com
Cathedral A.C.T.S.
The Cathedral ACTS Ministry organizes retreats where the Holy Spirit can break through the hoopla and touch the heart. ACTS is an acronym for “Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service.” Our ministry’s motto is “God first, family second, then everything else.” Our mission is simple: love God, develop fellowship within the parish, learn how God reveals Himself to us and serve Him by loving what He loves — all of His creatures.
For more information, please see our website.
Contact: Diane Salais DMGSalasis@yahoo.com or actscathedralsacto@gmail.com
Cathedral Docent Tour Ministry
Docents guide interested individuals through the interior of the Cathedral. They share with visitors how the Cathedral is such an important part of early California history. Visitors also learn about the beautiful and important art works in the Cathedral and how symbolism in these art works is integral to our Catholic Faith.
Contact: Oscar Ramirez, phelix365@comcast.net
Cathedral Filipino-American Ministry
This Fil-Am Ministry, established in May 2022, is composed of both Filipinos and Americans who, in one way or another, share a common bond of heritage to the Philippine Culture and the Catholic faith. We envision a dynamic and vibrant Filipino American community that is recognized and valued as an integral part of America's ethnic diversity. Our mission is to journey together in faith to preserve, promote, and perpetuate the many beautiful devotions and religious traditions inherent to the Filipino through cultural, charitable, and educational activities. Filipino Catholic practice is unusually material and physical, even among Catholic cultures, built especially on devotions to Mary, the suffering Christ, the Santo Niño (Holy Child), and feasts like the Simbang Gabi (Night Mass) novena that precedes Christmas, and the month-long Flores de Mayo (Flowers of May) offering to Mary illustrate distinctively Filipino forms of devotion. Our ministry welcomes not only our Filipino parishioners but all who are interested to join our activities. We hope you discover the joy that we share when we come together to worship God in spirit and in truth.
Contact: John Ponce, email: johne.poww@gmail.com
Cathedral Young Adults
The Cathedral Young Adults are a vibrant community of Catholic men and women (ages 19-40) in action.We host fellowship events and Nightfever twice a year. We meet on Zoom every Thursday evening to build community with one another. We currently have a blog where we post our reflections and thoughts as we journey through our faith. Visit www.cathedralyoungadults.wordpress.com to check it out.
Contact: Victoria Ramos at cathedralya@gmail.com
Chinese Catholic Community
The Sacramento Chinese Catholic community was formed to establish a base for Chinese-speaking people to come to know God and to worship Him. Language barriers and ethnic differences have been keeping a lot of people from the house of God. Now, with a Chinese-speaking priest, the Chinese Catholic community is becoming more and more lively. The group activities include social events, faith formation, and service activities. Most importantly, Mass is offered in Cantonese and Mandarin every Sunday at the Cathedral.
Contact: Kenneth Ng, kenneth87ng@gmail.com
Choirs - English, Spanish & Youth
The Cathedral Choir facilitates the sung prayer of the assembly at the 10:00 a.m. celebration of the Eucharist, diocesan liturgies, and holy days of obligation throughout the year. The repertoire is taken from the vast literature of sacred/liturgical music, from Gregorian chant to Modern. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at 7:15 p.m., and the Cathedral Choir season runs from the second weekend of September through Corpus Christi. Anyone with musical experience is encouraged to contact Rex Rallanka to discuss membership in the Cathedral Choir.
Contact: Rex Rallanka, Director of Liturgy & Music at 916-444-3071, ext. 14
The Spanish Choir facilitates the musical prayer of the assembly in the 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday Masses. They employ a variety 8 of musical styles and encourage novice trained vocalists and singers to apply. You must commit to rehearsals and masses on schedule.
Contact: Jerry Vanoye, Spanish Choir Music Conductor, in the choir annex after the 12 p.m. Mass;
Ricardo Savala in the choir annex after the 6 p.m. Mass.
Choir (Saint Toribio Romo Boys and Girls 8-14)
Saint Toribio Romo Choir - The Saint Toribio Romo Choir is open to all youth between the ages of 8-14. Boys can participate until their voices change.
The choir's purpose is to learn and sing the music of the liturgy. While doing so, students will study the fundamentals of music.
The only requirements are consistent attendance, punctuality and the ability to match pitch. The Choir meets on Saturdays from 12-1 p.m.
Saint Toribio Romo Choir Schola - The Saint Toribio Romo Choir Schola is a small choir that meets from 1-2 p.m. on Saturdays and is by audition only.
Contact Rex Rallanka at rrallanka@cathedralsacramento.org or Gayle Winney at gwinney@cbssac.org
Evening Rosary Group
Join us for prayer and fellowship on the first and third Wednesday at 7:10 p.m. in the St. Toribio Classroom, in the lower level. We meet together to pray the Rosary, asking for our Blessed Mother’s blessings.
Contact: Marlene Mejia at 916-628-6775 or Christina Callazo-Kelly at praytherosarywithus@yahoo.com
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers are made up of lay men and women who assist the priests and deacons with the smooth distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. Candidates who are Cathedral parishioners and faithful to the teachings of the Church receive detailed training and support for this very important ministry which takes them to the very life-center of our Catholic faith.
Contact: Peggy Oakden at 1poakden@gmail.com
Friday Morning Mass and Rosary Group
Please join your fellow Cathedral parishioners for 7 a.m. Mass on Mondays at St. Elizabeth’s (12th and S Streets) followed by a rosary in Capitol Park for the intentions of our Church and the State of California. We pray the rosary at the former site of St. Junipero Serra’s memorial in the park’s Camelia Grove (L Street Side of the Park between 12th and 13th). St. Serra’s site has been remade into a memorial for Native Americans. Fittingly, our ministry continues what St. Serra did so well: praying with the inhabitants of this great state.
Contact: John Fairbanks at john@capitolmr.com
Front Door Ministry
This ministry offers assistance to those in need. It provides a variety of services depending on the individual’s need. Examples of some of these services are referrals to appropriate community social services agencies, information on securing housing, assistance with utility or rental issues, and information on medical and mental health services.
Contact: Deacon Edgar Hilbert at hilbertdoheva@aol.com
Gift Shop Volunteers
The gift shop sells many religious articles for all occasions and sacramental preparation. Volunteers can assist in sales, customer service, inventory, pricing, merchandising and general cleaning.
Contact: Susan Moeller at susandurand@ymail.com
Hospitality Committee
Welcomes new members to the parish and provides food for special events at the Cathedral.
Contact: Celeste Gisla at jfgisla@att.net
Knights of Columbus
We are Catholic men who share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors, and role models, and to put charity and community first. Our goal is to help men, their families and their parishes grow closer to Christ. Through our programs and resources, we provide opportunities to live and spread the Catholic faith. Service and charity are at the heart of the Knights. Founded to meet the needs of immigrants, refugees, and families suffering from the death of a breadwinner, the Knights began as a small service organization and has grown into a worldwide financial and charitable organization.
Contact: Gabriel Gutierrez, guterrez.gabriel@yahoo.com
During the Mass, God speaks to His people, gathered to hear His Word through lectors. The lector is the mouthpiece of God. Even as the words are old, the proclamation is always new. Lectors understand the mission of their work. To prepare for each liturgy, the lector reads the Scripture ahead of time to establish a personal encounter with the Word of God. It is from this encounter, through the lector, that the people of God may also encounter the divine Word.
Contact: Maggie Jones at lector@cathedralsac.org
Media Ministry
This ministry capitalizes on using the various media sources in reaching Cathedral parishioners and other Catholics in spreading the Word of God and Cathedral information. It involves assisting with the various social media venues, the Sunday bulletin, the Cathedral website, and also photographing and/or recording Cathedral events.
Contact Titi Kila at communication@cathedralsac.org
Office Ministry
Volunteers are needed to serve as receptionist and assist with various tasks during the office hours, such as answering and guiding people through phone calls, greeting people when they come to the office, recording sacraments, reissuing sacramental certificates, working with the office staff and other office help as needed. We are in need of English and bilingual (English and Spanish) speakers to assist with the volume of calls and visitors the Cathedral receives.
Contact: Victoria Ramos at vramos@cathedralsacramento.org
Outreach to the Homebound
This group brings the Eucharist to parishioners in nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound. They bring communion or just spend time in prayer and fellowship with these individuals to foster a living link between the Body of Christ at Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament and our parishioners who are unable to attend parish functions.
Contact: Deacon Omar Bardales at omarcpa@att.net
Parents Leaders Ministry
With more than 15 years serving the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, the Parent Leaders Ministry has the mission to encourage parents to learn about their Catholic faith and empower them in their vocation as main educators of their children in the faith. We are convinced that “as the family goes, so does the society” and that the parents are leaders of their families, parish, and community to make visible the Kingdom of God on earth. Our goal is to make Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church known and loved. We gather every Sunday at Mercy Hall of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament as part of the family faith formation program, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Our classes are in Spanish.
Contact: Leticia Hilbert at leticia_hilbert@hotmail.com
Prayer Chain
Parishioners sign up to pray for special intentions on a prayer chain. These intentions are then sent via email, and praying is done privately in one’s own home. Specific prayers and suggestions for spiritual reading are also often sent to Chain members.
Contact: Regina Fagan at prayer.chain.sacramento@gmail.com
Respect Life Ministry
This ministry defends life from conception to natural death using the Gospel of Life of our Lord as a shield. We support the various events of our diocese to promote the dignity of life, such as “Mother and Daughter,” “Father and Son,” “40 Days for Life,” “Walk for Life,” and the “Procession of the Holy Innocents.” We help mothers and their children by collecting clothes and receiving blankets, and raising needed funds selling roses for Mother’s Day, and wreaths for Advent. We track legislation regarding life issues and help to keep our community aware. We attend presentations on Radio Santisimo Sacramento to spread love and respect for human life. We visit churches in the diocese to promote the creation of more Pro-Life Ministries. The strongest part of our ministry is the grace of community prayer and the Pro-Life Rosary, which we put into action every day.
Contact: Liliana Balderrama at michoacan8888@gmail.com
OCIA Support Ministry
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process through which a seeker of faith becomes a full member of the Roman Catholic Church through formation and personal seeking of a relationship with Jesus and responding to the call to become His Disciple. This period of formation includes times of prayer, study, retreats, and community, accompanied by fully initiated Catholics. Part of the process also prepares the seeker for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Most Holy Eucharist. Faithful Catholics are needed to volunteer as sponsors/mentors willing to journey with seekers of the faith leading to full initiation into the Church. Training and orientation are provided – all that is needed is a welcoming heart.
Contact: Sister Lisa Marie Doty, FDCC at slmdoty@cbssac.org.
Sacristan Ministry
Under the direction of the Cathedral Sacristan, individual Mass sacristans set up the credence table for Mass, set the prayers in the Roman Missal for the priest, put out the priest’s vestments, check batteries for microphone, put out various documents like the General Intercessions and psalms for cantors and lectors, portion out hosts to be consecrated, and generally make sure the credence table and table of gifts are appropriately set. In addition, they also ensure all patens, chalices, and vessels used for Mass are purified and cleansed and returned to their place in the sacristy and/or set for the next Mass. This includes the cleaning of the thurible and disposal of the old charcoal and lining of the thurible. Sacristans must be well trained in the documents required for a specific Mass including the Ordo, the Roman Missal, the Sunday Lectionary, and the Book of Gospels. In addition, some filling and maintenance of liquid candles and other items may be required. Individual Mass sacristans must also be able to work with other ministry leads such as those for Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors to ensure the Mass is well staffed.
Contact: Michael Ognisty at mfognisty@msn.com
Ushers greet and assist parishioners when they come to the Cathedral for Mass or other public activities. They also assist in the collection during Mass.
Contact: Parish Plant Manager, Tom Waddock at 916-444-3071, ext. 20 or twaddock@cbssac.org.
Volunteer Corps
The Volunteer Corp is a ministry for assisting the Cathedral’s maintenance staff with special projects and miscellaneous tasks around the church. Project examples include landscaping, cleaning, plumbing, electrical, laundry, installing the Christmas Creche, etc. While not required, individuals with special skills are encouraged to join.
Contact: Nancy Fairbanks, nfbanks@hotmail.com or 916-606-1300, Tom Waddock at 916-444-3071, ext. 20 or twaddock@cbssac.org.
Our mission is to foster a welcoming, familial atmosphere inside and out of the cathedral through concrete acts of love and mercy focused on the first pillar of stewardship: Hospitality. (Matthew 25:35)
As a ministry rich in diversity and talents, we serve our cathedral family by:
Welcoming parishioners and visitors before Mass at the front of the church in a way that reflects Christlike love
Distributing bulletins, worship aids, parking validations
Helping with restroom codes, opening doors, elevator, looking out for individuals in wheelchairs, strollers, etc. that may need assistance finding or coming up the ramp
Becoming a resource to answer questions, help with recommendations, direct individuals to designated person/group
Collaborating with other ministries to cultivate a culture of welcome while solidifying our unity as the body of Christ
And more!
Contact: Andrea Martin-Borges at welcomingbienvenida.cbssac@gmail.com